The Return of Nibiru is the prequel of a "future-cinema" style trilogy. It explores the idea of combining modern scientific theory with ancient religion and conspiracy theory, through the medium of a three-part feature film spectacular. The screenplay follows a fictional story of young man (Jack Rodigan) struggling to understand the world around him. As many young individuals in this situation often do, he turns to a life of celebrating the end of the week with a cocktail of recreational drugs and legal highs. Whilst for many years Jack seemed relatively unaffected by this large intake of narcotic substances, one over-indulgent night left Jack questioning reality.
The film begins with the monologue of a young man walking down a busy street with a rucksack slung over his right shoulder, philosophising about the world around him. Jack arrives at a friends door, once inside it is made apparent that Jack was carrying a large selection of drugs, these drugs combined with sleep paralysis will later result in the out of body experience which will open Jack's mind to a series of unimaginable events. Through the means of a psychedelic vision Jack is telepathically transmitted knowledge of;
This story is taken from ancient Sumerian beliefs, engraved in clay tablets, found in Iraq and translated by Professor Sitchin. The gods in this belief system were physical gods that lived on Earth, they came from a planet called Nibiru which has an elongated orbit through our solar system, returning every 3,600. These gods are called the Anunnaki, they created humans as a slave race to mine gold and other minerals out of the Earth. (Draw on famous religious quotes "god made man in his own image," etc…)
Own Ideas
Cash for Gold and many adverts like this are initiatives sparked by the Government after they discovered the Anunnaki will reward the ones with most gold with great power. LHC tares a whole in the space time continuum causing a portal to appear, leading to the lower fourth dimension. The Elkein are a fictional race of humanoid beings from a planet within Orion's Nebula and are the creators of the Anunnaki, they designed them to create humans as a tool of knowledge.
The world is ruled by a race of Shapeshifting Reptilians. Developed from the work of David Icke which suggests that all the ruling classes are shapeshifting reptilians from the lower fourth dimension. These ruling classes are part of secret society called the Illuminati.
Science theory meets science fiction
Much of what we now know about the Universe is only provable through equations and theories. Whilst some theories are beginning to be tested and put to use, eg. LHC and Nuclear Fusion.. there is still lots to explore. Trying to get an idea of what a race of humanoid beings that are 450,000 years more advance than ourselves would know, is incredibly difficult. The best things I could come up with are; nearly immortal, ie defied the ageing process, resistant to all diseases on most planets. Anti-gravity moving extremely large objects effortlessly, harnessing the energy of the sun, weather systems to there full potential. Whilst I believe their minds would be far more developed, they use technology to communicate telepathically and have an invisibility option on the clothes they wear.
Back to the Screenplay
After a drug fuelled night out Jack has been confronted with some of these thoughts and visions. He wakes up feeling bewildered by what he saw and heard. Walking out of his bedroom into the lounge, a couple of his housemates mock him for some of the things he shouted out during his trip. One says jokingly "yeah it sounded like he was talking about this," pointing at the television. The Newsreader reads; "In our main news tonight, Nasa has officially released these images of a mysterious celestial body, astronomers believe that this new found planet is what the ancient Sumerians called planet Nibiru."
The realisation that what happened in Jack's vision is now happening in reality occurs and Jack passes out due to shock. After a series of psychologist meetings and carnage occurring from the gravitational pull of our new celestial neighbour, it becomes apparent that the two events are most definitely linked. As this story develops so does the corruption in the governments and the ruling classes, combined with social chaos, as it seems the Rapture has come.
The Anunnaki are portrayed as the villain by the media, accused of being modern day pirates, whilst the true meaning of why they have returned to Earth is hidden from public knowledge. The Anunnaki need the gold to protect their planet, reflecting powerful and damaging UV raise as the pass close to the sun. The Humans and the Anunnaki agreed that any gold they find would be given to the Anunnaki on their return in repayment for the gift knowledge and consciousness. The Anunnaki discover that the gold is being used as the main route of evil on Earth, therefore returning to Earth to liberate their creation once more.
Whilst the Anunnaki first suspect natural human greed to be the cause of the refusal to repay the debt, as they story develops they become aware that the arch enemy of all humanoids in the universe is to blame. The Reptilians have been causing humans suffering on Earth for thousands of years, enslaving them whilst slowly stock piling all the gold to hold ransom when the Anunnaki return. The Reptilians have done this in attempts to cause friction between humans and the Anunnaki in order to make them destroy each other.
It looks as though the Reptilian plan has worked as the United Earth Armed Forces begin to the Anunnaki mothership. Whilst exchanges begin to take place between the UEAF and the Anunnaki mothership, society becomes divided as leaked archive footage of Jack's experiences is aired international news. Shortly after LHC scientist claim they have opened a portal to the lower fourth dimension, this leads to an army of shapeshifting reptilians spilling out into the third-dimension, slaughtering humans with laser beams and weapons we couldn't even begin to imagine.
The UEAF struggle to put up any resistance against the reptilians, after it seems that all hope is lost the Anunnaki join forces to fight the reptilians, causing the greatest battle the world has ever seen, much of the world as we know it is destroyed in the process, yet the humanoids emerge victorious. Just as it seems that all's well that end well a mysterious spaceship comes down from the heavens. A small humanoid being gets out. An Elkein from a planet within Orion's Nebula, begins to explain, the Anunnaki were created, to make the humans with the ability and knowledge to create their own universe.
This builds the story for the finale, the final feature film will look at how to create a universe and humanoid development after the great humanoid/reptilian war, whilst the second release looks more at the history and creation of the Anunnaki then the humans and how the reptilians took control.