Friday, 28 May 2010

Costume Hire for Lightning Shot

After all the effort we went through of casting the first time round it seems silly to go through all that effort again for a quick shot where the face doesn't necessarily have to be seen. So for this lightning shot I decided to dress up as an old man to get blown to smithereens by a bolt of lightning. I think the shot works really well. Certainly better than the video copilot tutorial, the elements that gave it the edge, are subtle things like; the fine rain, the umbrella, the car in the background and the piece of meat composited to look like a fleshy mess. Anyway the point of this post is to say I've been hiring costumes again, it was only around £10 which along with a bit of time I'm prepared to spend to create a shot like this.

Monday, 24 May 2010

New Look Newsreader alison - development

This is the new studio I composited together for alison, I'm not sure about the graphics at the bottom right corner. This will be resurrected if there is time at the end of the project to polish one or two things up.

Whilst I'm talking about newsreader development stuff I may as well qickly explain that I have just finished directing Alex with his newsreader and we have also a little news intro helping to separate the intro of the trailer with main tension building scenes. Anyway, I'll comment more on that when Alex post the videos for these scenes.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Asteroid Composite

Alex made me a pretty cool looking asteroid using a plugin called pyroclusters in C4D. We took some nice footage of an underpass the other day, where you can see cars on the bridge above that were just itching to get taken out. This was a "must do" sort of shot for me, especially after David was unable to play the part of the crazy religious guy getting annihilated by an asteroid. Any way I'm loving the tacky CGI look. Although I didn't want to go down this route initially, I'm know thinking that this is the best way to go about the producing a finished piece we can be satisfied with.

Spaceship Finished - The Anunnaki Moonship

Ok so this ship was basically put together using elements from Alex's earlier spaceship, duplicated, morphed and plugged in around a giant rock to give the desired effect of the Anunnaki moonship. I won't to come up with something unique for the spaceship. I managed to come up with this, ok so it looks pretty random but there's a concept behind this ship. I came up with the idea by trying to image what sort of tech we would have if we were 450,000 years more advanced. The best I could come up with is that they have inhabited their moon and by some kind anti-gravity forcefield they are able to live quite happily on a moonship. I've tried to find reference to my idea but seems fairly unique indeed, the closest thing to it is the magnetic floating ground in Avatar but there to dissimilar, it would be like saying district 9 is a rip off of ET purely because it's a film with alien in it.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Backplate - Newsroom

I spent ages trying to work out a good background shot for this newsreader footage, in the end I just decided to render out an image of Europe from my C4D Earth as I wanted to suggest this is a European continental news network, I'm not sure if there is such a thing but for this film it works perfectly as the world is forced into a one world government. As we are currently bailing out europe for the financial state they are in, it seems we are as much a part of Europe as we have ever been. This image has been blurred and put into the composition beneath different layers of still and motion graphics.

Monday, 17 May 2010


I liked the idea of a large imposing craft, me and Haydn had initially thought of something very technological looking and floating planet like, as to not clash with avatar flying cones of earth are out the window and a more spherical shape is what is going to be used. I had wanted to make it district 9 style seen as that is of cinematic grade but Haydn rightly pointed out we dont want to be a copy. He a ship model in maya which we liked but was unfortunately too cliche in terms of its correlation with star trek, even though this is huge again for reasons of similarity it was written off. I created a ship in C4d that was like the one from district 9 which i liked the look off but was far too similar. Seen as Haydn had an idea i gave him the model i had made which he took assets from to create the ship which was used in the final piece.

i had also initially played with mograph within c4d and made this simple animation which was going to be an element of the ship but due to how the emphasis was on scale and style over detail this idea was dropped.

Anunnaki Mothership Moodboard - Research

I've been trying to think of a mothership that could be unique, as this is something that has been explored many different times with often similar looking results I figured the only choice I have is to jump on the bandwagon.

I started trying to think what we might create if we were about 500,000 years more advanced. This involved thinking about what sort of technology they might have, amongst nuclear fusion power which we are just about learning to harness the power of, the one thing I found most interesting is anti-gravity.

Taking a massive object for example a moon out of orbit and using this as a mothership is fairly unique.. I think. This would be depicted with mechanical structures on the top of the moon to suggest it is inhabited whilst the moon it's self would be an elongated spherical shape with craters and jagged edges.

Reptilian Moodboard - Research

Reptoids range from five and a half to 9 feet in height. They have lean, firm bodies with powerful arms and legs. They have long arms with three long fingers and an opposable thumb. Their feet have three toes and one recessed fourth that is toward the back side of their ankle. The claws are short and blunt. They do not have teats on their upper torso nor do they have a navel.

There appears to be no bridge between the Reptoids eyes. Their nasal openings are at the end of a small, flattened nose and are described as two small slits that slant upwards in a V formation. 

Reptilian beings have no body or facial hair. Occasionally, eyewitnesses observed reptilian beings with thin, fleshy spines under their chins. From a distance, the spines are often misidentified as hair. (Even today, one can find lizards with these same fleshy spines under their chins. They are called Bearded Lizards.)

Anunnaki Moodboard - Research

The Anunnaki are a humanoid race very similar to us. They in my findings are Giants from 9 to 14 feet tall, beautiful and muscular. Super strong They are Caucasian white, light skinned blonde humans, with eye shapes asian style. blue to Albino eyes vary on person. They have a larger brain EXTENDED back of their SKULL- NOT UPWARD but STRAIGHT BACK capacity noticed only in a PROFILE VIEW, The males let their beards grow, but don't think of an old man of Earth. Think of the Powerful Greek God ZEUS.

Friday, 14 May 2010

The Return of Nibiru - In-Depth Treatment

The Return of Nibiru is the prequel of a "future-cinema" style trilogy. It explores the idea of combining modern scientific theory with ancient religion and conspiracy theory, through the medium of a three-part feature film spectacular. The screenplay follows a fictional story of young man (Jack Rodigan) struggling to understand the world around him. As many young individuals in this situation often do, he turns to a life of celebrating the end of the week with a cocktail of recreational drugs and legal highs. Whilst for many years Jack seemed relatively unaffected by this large intake of narcotic substances, one over-indulgent night left Jack questioning reality.

The film begins with the monologue of a young man walking down a busy street with a rucksack slung over his right shoulder, philosophising about the world around him. Jack arrives at a friends door, once inside it is made apparent that Jack was carrying a large selection of drugs, these drugs combined with sleep paralysis will later result in the out of body experience which will open Jack's mind to a series of unimaginable events. Through the means of a psychedelic vision Jack is telepathically transmitted knowledge of;

This story is taken from ancient Sumerian beliefs, engraved in clay tablets, found in Iraq and translated by Professor Sitchin. The gods in this belief system were physical gods that lived on Earth, they came from a planet called Nibiru which has an elongated orbit through our solar system, returning every 3,600. These gods are called the Anunnaki, they created humans as a slave race to mine gold and other minerals out of the Earth. (Draw on famous religious quotes "god made man in his own image," etc…)

Own Ideas
Cash for Gold and many adverts like this are initiatives sparked by the Government after they discovered the Anunnaki will reward the ones with most gold with great power. LHC tares a whole in the space time continuum causing a portal to appear, leading to the lower fourth dimension. The Elkein are a fictional race of humanoid beings from a planet within Orion's Nebula and are the creators of the Anunnaki, they designed them to create humans as a tool of knowledge.

The world is ruled by a race of Shapeshifting Reptilians. Developed from the work of David Icke which suggests that all the ruling classes are shapeshifting reptilians from the lower fourth dimension. These ruling classes are part of secret society called the Illuminati.

Science theory meets science fiction
Much of what we now know about the Universe is only provable through equations and theories. Whilst some theories are beginning to be tested and put to use, eg. LHC and Nuclear Fusion.. there is still lots to explore. Trying to get an idea of what a race of humanoid beings that are 450,000 years more advance than ourselves would know, is incredibly difficult. The best things I could come up with are; nearly immortal, ie defied the ageing process, resistant to all diseases on most planets. Anti-gravity moving extremely large objects effortlessly, harnessing the energy of the sun, weather systems to there full potential. Whilst I believe their minds would be far more developed, they use technology to communicate telepathically and have an invisibility option on the clothes they wear.

Back to the Screenplay
After a drug fuelled night out Jack has been confronted with some of these thoughts and visions. He wakes up feeling bewildered by what he saw and heard. Walking out of his bedroom into the lounge, a couple of his housemates mock him for some of the things he shouted out during his trip. One says jokingly "yeah it sounded like he was talking about this," pointing at the television. The Newsreader reads; "In our main news tonight, Nasa has officially released these images of a mysterious celestial body, astronomers believe that this new found planet is what the ancient Sumerians called planet Nibiru."

The realisation that what happened in Jack's vision is now happening in reality occurs and Jack passes out due to shock. After a series of psychologist meetings and carnage occurring from the gravitational pull of our new celestial neighbour, it becomes apparent that the two events are most definitely linked. As this story develops so does the corruption in the governments and the ruling classes, combined with social chaos, as it seems the Rapture has come.

The Anunnaki are portrayed as the villain by the media, accused of being modern day pirates, whilst the true meaning of why they have returned to Earth is hidden from public knowledge. The Anunnaki need the gold to protect their planet, reflecting powerful and damaging UV raise as the pass close to the sun. The Humans and the Anunnaki agreed that any gold they find would be given to the Anunnaki on their return in repayment for the gift knowledge and consciousness. The Anunnaki discover that the gold is being used as the main route of evil on Earth, therefore returning to Earth to liberate their creation once more.

Whilst the Anunnaki first suspect natural human greed to be the cause of the refusal to repay the debt, as they story develops they become aware that the arch enemy of all humanoids in the universe is to blame. The Reptilians have been causing humans suffering on Earth for thousands of years, enslaving them whilst slowly stock piling all the gold to hold ransom when the Anunnaki return. The Reptilians have done this in attempts to cause friction between humans and the Anunnaki in order to make them destroy each other.

It looks as though the Reptilian plan has worked as the United Earth Armed Forces begin to the Anunnaki mothership. Whilst exchanges begin to take place between the UEAF and the Anunnaki mothership, society becomes divided as leaked archive footage of Jack's experiences is aired international news. Shortly after LHC scientist claim they have opened a portal to the lower fourth dimension, this leads to an army of shapeshifting reptilians spilling out into the third-dimension, slaughtering humans with laser beams and weapons we couldn't even begin to imagine.

The UEAF struggle to put up any resistance against the reptilians, after it seems that all hope is lost the Anunnaki join forces to fight the reptilians, causing the greatest battle the world has ever seen, much of the world as we know it is destroyed in the process, yet the humanoids emerge victorious. Just as it seems that all's well that end well a mysterious spaceship comes down from the heavens. A small humanoid being gets out. An Elkein from a planet within Orion's Nebula, begins to explain, the Anunnaki were created, to make the humans with the ability and knowledge to create their own universe.

This builds the story for the finale, the final feature film will look at how to create a universe and humanoid development after the great humanoid/reptilian war, whilst the second release looks more at the history and creation of the Anunnaki then the humans and how the reptilians took control.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Alison News - Development

I showed parts of this clip in a recent tutorial suffering some heavy criticism for it which is a good thing as it was all constructive. Basically the problem lies with the fact that the entire newsroom backplate I have made is contradictory of itself, the blurred out city background is an image of melbourne found on the net which suggest local news but the lighting and much the graphic elements suggest national or international news. at least there is still plenty of time to resurrect these problems

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Alison News Test - Development

This is an initial test render for newsreader alison, it's looking alright for a first attempt however the footage could maybe benefit from having some curves placed on alison to crush the blacks.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Concept Art - The Anunnaki

Ok so here is the next instalment of Anunnaki Designs. Again I think they're spot on, just how I imagined them. Unfortunately we couldn't use keevas skills for more of this project.

Concept Art - Reptilian ideas

This is amazing I wish that we had been working with Keeva from the start awith the role of general artist, If I need to visualise something Keeva can practically draw what I'm thinking. Here she's drawn an armed reptilian but she drew the less humanoid head on it so we have another full bodied reptilian which was exactly what I had in mind. That's a quick turnaround if you ask me, unfortunately Keeva's unavailable now due to uni work but she has asked me to get in touch when I next need some artwork, which I am sure I will. It's good to work with people that are enthusiastic about their work and she's fairly skilled as well.

shape shift/eye replacement test - Development

This is a bit of an upgrade from the last test of this shot I did, whilst the lighting and background is an improvement, the composition still isn't convincing enough. I'll give it another go after looking at some other reference images and effetcs.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Asteroid Test

I tried applying a car bomb explosion to the comp to see how it would work with the asteroid and the car, this involved using the action essentials from video copilot and an asteroid made by Alex

shape shift/eye replacement test - Development

Original shape shift/eye replacement test. The effects aren't too bad on Daz but the background looks fairly poor.

Monday, 3 May 2010

Concept Art - The Anunnaki

In these sets of pictures, keeva has developed some Anunnaki from my descriptions and moodboards. I asked her to show the progression from human to anunnaki. The involves adding an extended backward cranium, a gold like beard, being between 9-14 ft tall and generally just being a bit of an upgrade from us.

Concept Art - Reptilian ideas

I decided to get back touch with my storyboard artist to see whether she would be interested in doing some concept art for the project, it just so happens that she did. I gave her some direction, made moodboards with a brief description and she set about generating some ideas, I decided from these the best thing to go for is the more humanoid looking reptilian as this would morph more convingly. We are only speaking hypothetically at this moment as these characters would be far too time consuming and difficult for us to produce in the amount of time and the capabilities of the computers we have on hand, however this is good practice now to get my head around what they look like in order to be in a better position in the event that an investor choose to take a chance on the film but will only do so if I can describe to him what the reptilians look like. It shows we have developed a thorough understanding of how our characters look even though we can't actually produce them at this stage in the game.