The Return of Nibiru
A Psychological Sci-Fi Thriller in which a young man by the name of Jack Rodigan struggles to make sense of telepathic messages sent from a race of humanoid beings that claim to be the creators of mankind's higher level of consciousness. Initially Jack is seen by his psychologist as a nothing more than a young man suffering from a deluded reality. After a series of unforeseeable events materialise from Jack's mind, she begins to question her own sanity. World leaders unite military forces in attempts to destroy the apparent threat from the so-called creators. The Anunnaki are believed to have created mankind to extract minerals from the Earth to protect their dieing planet, the humanoid beings from the planet Nibiru seek to destroy mankind unless the debt of the all worlds gold is paid for the gift of civilisation. Originally the Anunnaki are seen to be the antagonists, however as it comes to light that the world is enslaved to a race of shapeshifting reptilians which seek to destroy all humanoid beings, it becomes clear that the Anunnaki are both our creators and our saviours. A thought provoking drama with low-key CGI, inspired by the outlandish ideas of David Icke's work, the story subliminally confronts many thoughts and questions raised by modern society.
This exercise has been useful in terms of developing an understanding of what exactly it is I'm trying to portray in my trailer/short film.
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