Wednesday, 24 March 2010

How to hold an audition - ehow

  1. Step 1

    First, post your audition schedule. Depending on the type of audition, you can hire casting people to advertise your auditions, you can ask select people to audition or you can post a general notice, either with posters or online.

  2. Step 2

    Film each new audition if you're casting a movie. You'll need lighting, a camera, a camera operator and a casting person to run the audition. You may also want to have a "reader," an actor who reads opposite the auditioning person. For film, use a cold reading or give the actor sides to prepare ahead of time.

  3. Step 3

    Allow actors to prepare monologues for new auditions for a play. You'll need an audition space and a stage manager to run the audition process.

  4. Step 4

    Arrange to have both singing and dancing rooms available for a musical audition. In addition to the director, you also need a musical director, a choreographer, and a stage manager to run the auditions. For a musical, have the actors prepare a song, and learn the dance onsite.

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