Friday, 15 January 2010

Initial Idea Development - 1st Tutorial - Notes, what's next?

Anunnaki – Focal point of the story, the return of the Anunnaki to Earth to collect the debt owed by mankind.

Planet X – Returns to close proximity of the Earth on it's 3600 year orbit, causing widespread disruption on Earth; Increased, comets, earthquakes, weather systems, etc

Sumerian – Mythology, historical; Research needed

Genetic Modification - Human Race 'Slaves' to the Anunnaki

Secret organisation – Illuminati, Committee of 300, free masons, etc gaurdians of knowledge of Mans true past.

Religions/ Mythology – Similarities, Research

Possible use of mysticism, ley lines, swastica stones, crop circles, ancient monuments etc

Next Steps...

  1. Research;

    “Chariots of the Gods”


    Relevant media, not just Internet.

  2. Research intro scriptwriting

  3. Develop a World Bible with a detailed description of characters

  4. Re-write rationale in Pro-forma

  5. Produce a Synopsis for statement of intent.

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